What Are The Details You Need To Know About Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic surgery is in high demand with many women. Especially when it comes to correcting certain features of the face like the nose. It helps build the confidence of women as they get a new look.

What Are The Details You Need To Know About Cosmetic Surgery?

Cosmetic Surgery: Before And After

Once being done just for the rich and famous, cosmetic surgery is no more for them alone. Hoping to get a flatter tummy, a larger bust, or a reshaped nose or chin, every year more than a million Americans visit a surgeon. 

Nose Job: Before And After

One of the most common cosmetic procedures is the nose job or rhinoplasty. Either naturally or from injury, the skilled doctor helps reshape noses that seem too big or wide for the face that has a bump on the bridge or that are crooked or off-centre. Doctors suggest waiting until at least age 15 or 16 possibly older for boys as this is one surgery that is popular with teenagers. Recovery takes one to three weeks as major problems after surgery is rare.  

Eyelid Surgery: Before And After

Helping a variety of concerns from droopy upper lids to bags underneath is eyelid surgery called blepharoplasty. To create tighter, smoother eyelids, excess skin, and fat are removed. To reduce bags or puffiness, fat may be transferred from one spot to another. There are rarely noticeable scars as healing takes about 2 weeks. 

Neck Lift: Before And After

It was popular that the late screenwriter Nora Ephron had titled her memoir as I Feel Bad About My Neck. A neck lift may be the answer if that hits a nerve. Caused by weakened neck muscles are loose bands of tissue or “turkey wattle”. By adjusting and removing muscles in the neck and taking out fat, a surgeon can correct this problem. Often done with a facelift is a neck lift. There is a small chance of infection as with any surgery. From two weeks to several months, the healing takes place. 

Facelift: Before And After

Creating a smoother, more youthful face is the facelift. A surgeon removes excess skin and works with deeper layers of skin and muscle to tighten the face starting around the ear. There is a chance of infection and injury even though rare. We find that no longer one of the Top 5 cosmetic surgeries are facelifts. To easier options such as injectable fillers, Botox, radiofrequency tightening, or laser therapies they are losing ground. 

Laser Skin Resurfacing: Before And After

Using beams of light to get rid of damaged skin cells is laser skin resurfacing. Fine lines and blemishes disappear as the outer layers of skin are removed. It is best used on lighter skin types as laser resurfacing works well on sun-damaged skin and acne scars. Healing takes one to two weeks depending on the type of laser used. 

Hair Transplant: Before And After

Losing some hair as they age is half of the men and many women. It remains thick on the side or back of the head typically. Where it takes root, this allows a surgeon to transfer small amounts to the bald or thinning area. Nothing like the doll plug look of decades past are today’s hair transplants. Put in a natural pattern are hundreds of micro-grafts each containing one to three hairs. 

Arm Lift: Before And After

Especially for women keeping the triceps toned is a challenge as we age. The result may be chicken wings which are extra skin and fat dangling from the upper arms when we lose the battle. Fixing this is a surgery known as brachioplasty. By removing excess skin and fat, it tightens the under-portion of the arm between the armpit and elbow. On the inner-back-side of the arm, it will leave a scar. 

Liposuction: Before And After

One of the most common types of cosmetic surgery is liposuction. The surgeon removes small bulges of fat from the tummy, thighs, hips, or behind using suction. In the treated area, the result is a smoother shape. With patients of average or slightly above average weight, liposuction works best. They include infection, uneven fat removal, or changed skin colour as the chances of problems are small. 

Tummy Tuck: Before And After

A tummy tuck is major surgery, unlike liposuction. The procedure removes fat and tightens muscles in the belly called abdominoplasty. Usually leaving a long scar, the operation can take several hours. For people who are still planning to lose a lot of weight or for women who may become pregnant, a tummy tuck is not recommended. 

Breast Implants: Before And After

One of the two most common forms of cosmetic surgery in women is breast enlargement. The other one comes to be liposuction. The doctor makes a cut in the armpit, areola, or lower breast fold and puts in saline or silicone gel implants the size of which is chosen by the patient for breast enhancement. Although it may make breastfeeding more difficult, the surgery has relatively few risks. 

Breast Reduction: Before And After

Breast reduction is also popular as it’s common for women to seek larger breasts. To achieve the desired size, fat, tissue, and skin are removed. In women with large, heavy breasts, this can relieve neck and back pain. Including a change or loss of feeling in the nipple and problems in breastfeeding are the problems that could happen. 

Choosing A Surgeon

It is important to have realistic expectations and a surgeon you trust if you decide to have cosmetic surgery. Meaning he has extra training and testing asks whether your doctor is board certified in cosmetic surgery. It is important that you ask for references from those people who have had the surgery you are considering. The doctor should fully explain the risks as well as benefits. Tell your surgeon exactly what you hope to accomplish most importantly. 

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