A Writeup On How Diabetes Causes Hair Loss – Part 2

Here are more tips to prevent hair loss from diabetes. A condition observed to attack anyone, diabetes makes everyone susceptible to hair loss. Why is it so? 

A Writeup On How Diabetes Causes Hair Loss – Part 2

The Continuation

Here are the remaining treatment options for hair loss due to diabetes. This can help you manage the sugar levels reversing the effect on hair. 

What Are The Treatments For Hair Loss?

Topical medications, biotin, and lifestyle changes include hair loss treatment options. The result of most of these treatments is however rarely long term. 

About Topical Medication

For hair loss, minoxidil is a popular over-the-counter treatment. To the areas of the body where hair loss has occurred, the person applies the medication directly. 

The use of minoxidil is seen to be effective for both males and females. 

To get the maximum benefit from this product and to avoid unwanted side effects, it is essential to follow the instructions on the label.

You can also purchase topical minoxidil products online.  

Other medications

For treating hair loss in adult males, finasteride is a prescription medication. For a person who needs to take it daily, it is available as an oral tablet also. For use by females, the US FDA has not approved finasteride. 

The doctor may recommend steroid injections, a steroid tablet, or another oral immunosuppressant such as methotrexate or cyclosporine for alopecia areata. Carrying a high risk of side effects is some of these treatments. 

What Is Biotin

Occurring naturally in many foods is biotin a subtype of vitamin B. 

People with diabetes usually has lower levels of biotin in their body. 

There is evidence to suggest that biotin may help slow hair loss in some people according to a 2014 review. 

Biotin rich food includes:

  • Whole eggs
  • Liver and Kidney
  • Nuts, including almonds, walnuts, and peanuts
  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • Sweet potato
  • Cauliflower
  • Yeast

Purchasing biotin supplements is easy. It is crucial to always speak to a doctor before taking these supplements as people have very different biotin needs and too much can be harmful. 

The Lifestyle Changes

Exercise can help the body maintain good blood circulation although it may not prevent or reverse hair loss. Including the hair follicles and the upper and lower extremities, regular exercise can help increase the blood flow to different parts of the body. It also helps in controlling their blood sugar levels. 

An important part of diabetes management is eating a balanced healthful diet. For controlling blood sugar levels diet rich in high fibre foods, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins are beneficial.  

Know When To See A Doctor

With a doctor, the person with diabetes should discuss any new medication or treatment. 

For regular check-ups, people with diabetes should see a doctor. Ask the doctor for recommendations on how to reduce or stop hair loss, where individuals come with particular concerns about hair loss. 

Before taking any new medications or supplements, or making any significant lifestyle changes, it is vital to speak to a healthcare professional. 

If they experience any adverse reactions to their hair loss treatment, a person should also seek medical attention. Here an alternative treatment method may be suggested by the doctor. 

What Are The Other Effects Of Diabetes On The Body?

Particularly if a person is unable to control their blood sugar levels, diabetes can impact the body in many ways. Diabetes can cause these common issues including:

  • An increased risk of stroke
  • A higher risk of heart disease
  • The increased risk of peripheral arterial disease
  • The nerve damages
  • Dry, cracked skin on the extremities
  • Regular foot problems
  • Excessive urination
  • Also causing fatigue and lack of energy
  • Greater likelihood of infection
  • An increased risk of high blood pressure
  • Likelihood of eye problems
  • And finally, extreme thirst

The Takeaway

With a wide range of effects on a person’s body, diabetes is a chronic condition. Diabetes can cause hair thinning or hair loss in some people. So, the person must take extra caution every day no matter what the reasons and remedies are behind the hair thinning due to diabetes. 

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels, emotional and physical stress and hormone imbalances are seen as the primary causes of hair loss in people with diabetes. Hence it is necessary to include a healthy diet as well as great control over the blood sugar levels being active and healthy. 

Helping reverse or slow down the effects of hair loss is by using medications as well as lifestyle interventions to get blood sugar levels under control. Although their effects may be short-lived, some medications are also available for the treatment of hair loss. 

The Final Thought

While diabetes is a total destructor, it also brings hope for those suffering from it by using the instructions from doctors who can recommend ways to keep the sugar levels under control. 

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