What Is The Link Between An Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss? - Part 2

For the remaining discussion, more conditions are discussed. There is an effective treatment for any condition. So, make sure you have the right diagnosis from the medical professionals. 

What Is The Link Between An Itchy Scalp And Hair Loss? - Part 2

The Continuation

Here are the remaining scalp conditions and the right treatment for them. 

Lichen planopilaris

A condition that causes the scalp to become inflamed is Lichen planopilaris. The result of a compromised or weak immune system is lichen planopilaris according to scientists. This may result in itchiness, scaly skin, and hair loss. 

Alopecia areata

A condition that causes small patches of hair to fall out is the alopecia areata that can also cause scalp itchiness. 

The scientists believe that it develops because a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles although they are not sure exactly why alopecia areata occurs. In people with an autoimmune disease or the family history of one, the condition is most commonly found. 

For these conditions, the standard treatments include:

  • Immunotherapy
  • Antifungal medications and ointments
  • Steroids

Using one of the following treatments, people who experience hereditary hair loss may have success. 

  • Hair transplants
  • Minoxidil (Rogaine)
  • Finasteride (Propecia)

Approximately 80 million men and women in the US have hereditary hair loss according to the American Academy of Dermatology. 

Atopic Dermatitis

Causing a red rash and itchiness is atopic dermatitis coming as a type of eczema. Atopic dermatitis can lead to excessive scratching which may cause temporary hair loss although it is not a direct cause of hair loss. 

Using creams and ointments, people can treat atopic dermatitis. 

Providing advice on treatment options, a health care professional can help. 


Causing dry red patches with a covering of silvery scales to form around a person’s truck and major joints is an autoimmune disorder called Psoriasis. They can often be itchy as psoriasis scales develop on the scalp. 

If the person scratches the psoriasis scabs on their scalp and the scabs fall off, hair loss might occur. 

To manage their psoriasis people can develop a treatment plan with their doctor. 


Causing a dry itchy scalp is dandruff. Throughout the day and after scratching, a person may often notice flaking skin. Dandruff can rarely cause hair loss. When a person goes for extended periods without treating it, typically dandruff causes hair loss. 

Over-the-counter anti-dandruff shampoos, ointments, and creams include the treatment options. 

Home Remedies

To treat conditions that cause itchiness and hair loss, a person could try several at-home or natural remedies. The following are some methods to be considered. 

  • By using essential oils for hair growth
  • Try eating foods that promote healthy hair growth, that include eggs, fish, and Brazil nuts
  • Helping use fortified shampoos containing zinc, that can help fight fungal infections
  • By using shampoos to help with dandruff
  • Also using creams or ointments that help prevent the itchiness

Including shampoos with zinc, anti-dandruff shampoos, and the scalp ointments some of these treatments are available for purchase online. 


It helps prevent an itchy scalp and hair loss by using gentle shampoos without harsh chemicals. To help prevent hair loss, there are several possible ways including :

  • Avoiding excessive scratching
  • Thereby using only gentle shampoos
  • Eating a healthful diet rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Avoiding directing high heat at the scalp
  • Avoiding excessive chemicals from dyes, shampoos, conditions, and mousses
  • Keeping the hair clean and dry
  • Massaging the scalp to help stimulate the blood flow to the hair follicles

Finally, following recommended treatment plans for existing health conditions, similar to psoriasis or other autoimmune disorders

The Final Takeaway

When there is a link between an itchy scalp and hair loss, treating the underlying cause of these issues will usually allow the hair to grow back over time whereas there is not always a link. 

People can help prevent the issues by using gentle hair products eating a nutrient-rich diet and keeping underlying health conditions under control although hair loss and scalp itchiness are not always avoidable. 

So, What Is The Bottom-Line?

The right treatment can help reverse the effects of itchy scalp and hair loss. When you diagnose rightly on the symptoms, it helps to effectively work on the way the treatment is administered. No matter what the reason is, it often suits the person with these conditions to have professional advising on the effects and the available solutions leading to excessive hair loss in men and women alike.

We sign off now with these tips and we are sure it will help you to determine which condition affects you and what are the treatment options. Hope that there is always a way around for you to grow back the hair with a full treatment oriented to rooting out the underlying causes. 

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