Is Carrot Oil Beneficial for Your Hair?

Applying carrot oil in your hair is said to be beneficial for nourishing your hair. But, this claim is circumstantial. Users report that carrot oil makes hair softer, helps it to grow, and protects it from damage.
Carrot oil generally comes in different forms. Sometimes this essential oil is derived from carrot seeds and sometimes from the roots of the carrot. In addition to these, there are several store-bought products also which contain carrot oil.
It is observed that carrot oil is generally high in nutrients which are essential for hair growth such as vitamin A, beta carotene, and vitamin E.
What are the benefits?
Based on the available evidence, carrot oil is believed to help your hair to grow faster. This property of carrot oil is beneficial for people who are looking to grow their hair really long and want to avoid split ends. Conditioning your hair using carrot oil also improves its texture and makes it shiner, softer, and smoother.
Some people using carrot oil also claims that it helps to prevent hair loss by making hair roots stronger at the scalp. Apart from this, the vitamins contained in the carrot oil can also protect your hair from harmful ultraviolet rays and environmental pollution. Carrot oil also boosts blood circulation to your scalp, which in turn, helps in keeping your hair healthier.
Supporters of carrot oil find it very gentle and healing because of its mild and sweet fragrance. Carrot oil can also be mixed with other essential oils for a customized hair treatment.
During one of the recent studies conducted, carrot oil has been found to have antibacterial properties which can fight a variety of fungus and bacteria. Not only that, but carrot oil also helps people with dry scalp and dandruff to get relief from their symptoms when treated periodically. It is also found that when naturally occurring oils are applied on a dry scalp; it can stimulate the production of your body’s own oil, namely sebum.
Are there any risks of using carrot oil?
As with most other supplement or topical product, you may have an allergic reaction to carrot oil also. Therefore, always perform a patch test on the skin before starting to use carrot oil. Select a relatively smaller area of your skin for the patch test like the back side of your neck or on the inside of your arm. Also, make sure to use carrier oils such as coconut oil or grapeseed oil to dilute carrot oil before applying. Observe the area of patch test for about 24 hours to make sure you don’t react to it. In case there is no reaction, it is safe for you to use carrot oil. Otherwise, if you are found to have an allergic reaction to carrot oil, stop its use straightaway and get in touch with your doctor.
Even though dark-pigmented hair does not turn orange by carrot oil, its overuse can make your scalp skin turn orange. Be aware of this fact when you apply carrot oil on light-coloured hair type like blonde hair. Because of this property of carrot oil, some people even use it as a hair dye.
Carrot oil can be used both internally and externally. But taking it internally in high amounts does pose a health risk due to the component myristicin in it which can cause psychoactive effects in humans. But researches claim myristicin to be of low toxicity to humans in small amounts. But if consumed in larger amounts, for example, 6 to 7 mg, it can lead to intoxication to humans. But there is no need to worry as carrot oil has only a very small amount of myristicin. You will have to take carrot oil in really huge amounts in order to get intoxicated by it.
Apart from this, carrot oil also has a component called carotol which is of moderate toxicity for our body cells. Therefore, if you prefer a safe, gentle and completely non-toxic treatment for your hair care needs, you can opt for alternative treatments available. Also, keep in mind that consuming too much carrot oil can lead to nausea and vomiting. Internal use of carrot oil is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. People with epilepsy or asthma should also never consume carrot oil internally.
In fact, studies conducted on the risks and benefits associated with carrot oil usage on your hair does not reveal much information. Therefore, it is always advised to ask the opinion of your doctor before you start using carrot oil.
Different ways to use carrot oil for your hair
Carrot oil can be applied on your hair at least twice a week. You can create your own recipes of hair mask, deep conditioner or rinse at your home using carrot oil for this purpose, or you can purchase a premade hair treatment. The choice is entirely yours. Here are some recipes you can try.
If you just want to apply carrot oil on your hair, dilute it first. Add 3 to 4 drops of carrot oil in 2 to 4 tablespoons of any available carrier oil such as coconut oil in it. Now, massage this oil on your hair scalp with your fingers. After that comb your hair well and wrap it with a plastic cap. You should leave it on your hair for 1-2 hours before shampooing it off.
In case you want to prepare a hair rinse using carrot oil, take 3 to 4 drops of carrot oil along with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and mix them in two cups of water. After you finish shampooing your hair, you can shake this prepared solution and use it to rinse your hair. After leaving it for 5 minutes rinse again.
Another option is purchasing carrot oil applications from a local store. These are to be left in between washes. They come in different forms like serum, oil, or cream. Before using these products, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
According to circumstantial results, carrot oil is found to restore the moisture of your scalp and hair, softens and soothes hair texture, tames hair curls, helps in hair growth and protects it from damage.
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