We Highlight The 7 Tips For Baby Skin Care

We bring here some practical tips to take care of your baby’s skin. Keep your baby happy and smiling. What are the good treatments for them? 

We Highlight The 7 Tips For Baby Skin Care

When It Is All About Skincare For Your Baby

Proper care is essential as your baby’s skin is extra-sensitive. According to Bruce Brod, MD, a dermatologist in Philadelphia, it's very resilient whereas babies’ skin is thinner and more prone to irritation. 

Here is the good news: the simplest is the best baby skincare tips. As Brod says less comes to be more as it is more cost-effective too. 

Choose Few Ingredients

Megha Tollefson, MD, a paediatric dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic says it helps to choose products with the fewest ingredients as also no parabens, formaldehyde, or fragrances by scanning labels. She further explains, since most of those have fragrances that can be irritating, many of the products she recommends are not marketed toward babies. 


A good choice is soap-free liquids. New York City-based dermatologist Bruce Robinson, MD, says to be clean it doesn’t need to lather. 


Best is the tearless one

Diaper cream: 

Petroleum jelly or a zinc oxide cream can be used. 


Skip them altogether or go alcohol-free. Sometimes irritating a baby’s skin are wipes. Tollefson then says water and a washcloth is the safest option. 


As Tollefson says petroleum jelly is the gold standard according to paediatric dermatologists. Especially against skin problems like eczema, it is greasy but cheap and effective. Choose creams or ointments over lotions otherwise. 

Laundry detergent: 

For most kids, the kinds made for babies are fine but not necessary. Try to go fragrance-free thereby. Better than flakes, liquid rinses out. 

Bathe Just What’s Necessary

Your baby only needs three baths per week to avoid irritation and dryness. Depending on the season, humidity, and how active they are, more often is fine to clean away dirt and bacteria as Brod now points out. 

Sponge-bathe your new-born using a clean, damp washcloth until the umbilical cord falls off. Similar to armpits, neck, knees, behind ears, toes, and genitals, focus on creases. Robinson now says that it can make your little one start to stink as skin-to-skin contact increases humidity and bacteria growth. In those creases, there’s more dead skin in addition. 

He then explains, in private areas and underarms, use a cleanser. Do the whole body once a week. Shampoo at each bath if your baby has hair. Shampoo daily rubbing their scalp with your fingertips, if they get oily yellow scales or crusty spots on their head called cradle cap. 

Fill a towel-lined sink or a baby tub with 2 inches of plain water once they are ready for baths. Since that can dry out skin, Robinson is of the opinion that it should be avoided when it comes to the baby sitting in soapy water. Also, skip bath oils. Being a slipping hazard, Robinson says they don’t sink in. 

Change Diapers Often

When babies sit in dirty diapers for too long, most diaper rash happens.

Robinson then says they poop soon after when babies eat. Change them right away by staying on the lookout after you feed. 

Use diaper cream at every change to prevent chafing. He then quotes, it helps to apply just as a thick layer of icing on the cake. 

Disposable diapers may be better than cloth ones since they keep skin drier for rash-prone babies. 

When there is poop involved, use wipes only. He says the preservatives irritate the skin even with gentle wipes. 


Though most experts still recommend using it every day, a moisturiser may not be necessary for babies with normal skin. Without fragrances or dyes, opt for the milder ones. 

Moisturise twice daily or even after every diaper change if your baby’s skin is super-dry. He advises rubbing it everywhere and not just those dry spots as they tend to move around. 

Shield Skin From Spit

They tend to drool as babies teethe and eat. Having enzymes that can irritate their skin is saliva. Here it is observed that the skin gets wet and dry over and over, which is the problem getting worse. Try coating their face with petroleum jelly before you feed your baby. When mealtime is over wipe it off with a soft cotton washcloth and then reapply the moisturiser. 

Block The Sun

Especially infants whose brand-new skin has less of the pigment that protects it from the sun, early exposure to the sun’s UV rays puts kids at risk of skin cancer later in life. 

Try to avoid any time in the sun for the first 6 months. Aim to stay inside between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. when the sun is strongest for babies of all ages. Remember the following when you do head outside:

Avoid direct sunlight. 

A stroller shade or an umbrella can be used. 

It is advised that your baby is dressed in long sleeves and pants in tight weaves.

Robinson advises, by holding a T-shirt to the sun, you can see how much of the light then passes through. To block the sun rays more fully he recommends rash guards. 

Which covers your baby’s face and neck, use a wide-brimmed hat. 

Apply sunscreen. 

Some sunscreen is OK even for the youngest babies if you can’t avoid the sun. When you put it around their eyes and mouth, just be careful.

When the baby gets wet or every 2 hours reapply. Broad-spectrum SPF 30 with zinc oxide is what he recommends. It starts working right away since it’s a physical block. No one is allergic since it’s a mineral they ingest. 

To Conclude, Dress With Care

Coming to be irritating is wool including cashmere. He then states the way to go is soft cotton. Before they wear it, be sure to wash anything that will touch your baby’s skin.

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