Are Moles And The Parentheses On Your Face Annoying You? 

Many find moles annoying. How do you get rid of them painlessly? What to do with parentheses that show up on aging? Get a detailed report here

Are Moles And The Parentheses On Your Face Annoying You? 

How Do You Treat Those Parentheses? 

The curve like grooves that begin where the nose meets the cheeks and typically end below the corners of the mouth are the nasolabial creases also known as the parentheses as their shape mimics parentheses.

Sometimes accentuating them is the muscle action. 

We question how do we get these? The answer comes in one word that is aging. Nature spontaneously shrinks the fat layer in the face as we age. In fact, it is the area where nature originally deposited the thinnest layer of fat as the first area for the shrinkage to show is around the mouth. The nasolabial groove becomes more prominent as the fat diminishes. Even in the 40s expect this to begin. 

Many products can fill the grooves and make them look better comes as good news. Here it is observed to be a far better answer than any mid-face or surgical facelift claiming to be able to pull out the nasolabial crease by the way. It is not found to happen satisfactorily. You will have that over-tight, over-pulled look is what will eventually happen. Looking like the Joker in the Batman movie, we have all seen some unfortunate people who made a bad decision by having the procedure done.

Thereby it comes to be a bad look that cannot be easily reversed. 

Within it are little spheres of purified collagen as Artefill is a long-lasting non-resorbable filler that works. Thereby filling the groove, the collagen acts as a base upon which the body can increase its own collagen production. 

With Artefill, not everyone is familiar. Since the launch of the product nearly three years ago over 20,000 patients have been treated with it. There has been no product recalls as the manufacturer states. 

It should be considered because of it’s long presence in the tissue as Artefill is not the only substance that fills the nasolabial crease. Some of the fillers last four to six months as you know. 

When done by a skilled injector, whether it be an MD or an RN it comes to be very difficult to tell that the filler material has been injected as with all fillers. Consequently, it looks natural as well as feels natural. 

How To Deal With Moles?

Anywhere on the body, a mole is a lay term for a benign, non-cancerous, round, smooth-surfaced dome-like growth on the skin. On the face, they tend to be more common. Often, they are identical in colour to the surrounding skin as sometimes they have some speckled colour. Because of the appearance, they tend to be slow-growing and unpopular. 

Many high-profile people have been very happy to keep their moles on their faces, where Marilyn Monroe had a mole and until recently Cindy Crawford too had one.

There are reports of having many of them over the course of their lifetime, as some people report a family history of them. 

It has to be noted that unless there has been a change in its appearance, this rapid growth suggesting the possibility of malignancy, in which case it becomes somewhat of a medical dermatologic emergency, frankly if one needs to have the mole removed, it comes strictly for cosmetic reasons. As they just don’t like the way they look, for most people the moles are removed. 

Often it is because they are afraid to have it removed if people are walking around with a mole and are not happy with it. Suggesting that it would be cancer or malignant there are old wives tales about if you cut into a mole to remove it will grow and spread. Whereas it is not true. As there would be a scar, others are afraid to have it removed. It comes to be possible in case it is not done in the best way nor the most experienced hands. 

A preferred method that has served patients very well for many years is what we are telling you about. Known as a microsurgical shave excision this ideal technique to remove one of these moles has been found successful. Thereby when an operating microscope is used to remove it completely that is a long medical term for shaving it off the face. It can be sent to a pathologist to be closely examined and make sure there is no malignancy as incidentally when that is done at the desire of the patient or suspicion of the doctor. 

Furthermore, the use of an operating microscope, which is a high-tech magnifying system, has the surgeon clearly see how deep he is going as also whether or not there is some residual mole at the base of the wound preventing the surgeon from having to remove unnecessarily normal tissue either at the edges or base, is the microsurgical aspect of it. The technology helps the surgeon do a better job by not performing more surgery than necessary in other words. The faster and better the healing is like the smaller the wound. 

The Conclusion 

There is no stitching with microsurgical shave excision. Within three to four days if the mole has been on the face, a little longer if on the arms, legs, or trunk, the minor excavation caused by the removal of the mole it will then heal in by itself that comes both from the bottom and also from the sides. If the wound were allowed to dry out healing would be much slower as the only care required is that the area which looks like a bit of scrape to then keep it constantly covered with what is an antibiotic ointment along with the dressing. 

The pink colour fades within two to three months as typically there is a pink colour to the fresh skin that has grown in to replace the mole. 

Don’t despair it can be dealt with an office procedure with rapid healing and ultimately nearly invisible evidence of it ever having been there if you have a typical mole on your face and you don’t like it. 

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