All About Hair Loss When It Is Caused By Hair Shaft Defects – Part 1

Hair loss has various causes. One of them is hair shaft defects. Here are 3 articles discussing the possible causes of hair loss.

All About Hair Loss When It Is Caused By Hair Shaft Defects – Part 1

What Are Hair Shaft Defects? 

Where physical damage to the hair fibre results in hair loss, there comes many conditions. Due to the hair being improperly formed by the hair follicles, sometimes hair fibre is damaged. Usually determined by genetic defects are these conditions. Most often poor or inappropriate hair care, when it comes to conditions where physical damage of the hair fibre is caused by something environmental. 

Compared to other causes of alopecia hair loss as a result of physical hair defects are rare whereas listed below are some of the common ones. 

Loose anagen syndrome

Growing hair that is loose and easily pulled out of the hair follicle is loose anagen syndrome or loose hair syndrome involving exactly what the name suggests. More so in girls, than boys are loose anagen syndrome is most often first diagnosed in young children. In this case, it is found that hair never seems to grow, thereafter needing a hair cut rarely, as also the scalp hair comes to be usually thin especially found at the back of the scalp. 

Helping explain why the back of the head is most affected is that the hair is loose and easily pulled out. Whereas the front of the scalp has less contact with the pillow and so the hair is more likely to remain in place as the repeated rubbing of a person’s head on a pillow at night pulls out more of the hair on the back of the head. It can be unruly and difficult to comb and style as the remaining hair usually does not grow very long. 

Loose anagen syndrome can appear later in life as well as blonde-haired children ages 2 to 5 are most likely to be affected. Development in an older individual indicates the hair loss will be more persistent as the syndrome improves with the age of its own accord in children.  

In people with loose anagen syndrome, why the hair is loose is not known as the root sheaths that normally surround and protect the hair shaft in the skin are not thereby produced properly. The hair fibre is poorly anchored in the follicle as a result there comes a lack of adhesion between the hair shaft and the root sheath. 

There are also many isolated case reports with no family history as there may be a genetic problem behind the syndrome and the condition can run in families. For loose anagen syndrome, there are no known effective treatments. 

Traction alopecia and trichotillomania

Traction alopecia and trichotillomania are the same in terms of the mechanical action behind hair loss. Leaving clear bald patches or diffuse thin hair, the hair is plucked out of the skin.  

Anything else that pulls on the roots of the hair, traction alopecia can be caused by tight hatbands, pulling the hair into a tight ponytail, or cornrow hairstyle. The hair follicles in the skin can become so damaged that they stop growing hair permanently if traction alopecia continues for a long time and the same hair is repeatedly pulled out. 

When an individual plucks out their hair, trichotillomania occurs. The individual may focus on the eyelashes, eyebrows, pubic hair, or any other hair-bearing region, as often the hair on the scalp is plucked to leave bald patches. About whether trichotillomania is a habit like nail-biting or a more psychological problem, there is much argument. When they are made aware of it, they often find it very hard to stop as either way, affected individuals are usually not aware that they are plucking their hair. 

More On The Reasons As To Why Hair Loss Comes Evident. 

Hari shaft defects are just one of the myriad ways the hair is affected leading to balding. The reasons remain elusive whereas many resorts to local methods that can aggravate the condition. Always get expert advice before you resort to treating various conditions found to be responsible for hair loss. 

The discussion doesn’t wind up here. There are more reasons that researchers have identified the possible causes of hair loss. Affecting both adults and children, they always come to be more serious than they were thought of to be. So, when it comes to hair loss treatments, make sure you get expert advice. 

Finally, The Continuation Comes In The Following Posts

Read more on the various conditions affecting the hair shaft. So, you know how to take care of your hair. Keep watching for more from us

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